Dumbphone woes

· gclv.es

Not using a smartphone feels like nothing, most of the time. Some people who try say that life is too hard without them "these days" or whatever, but my experience has been extremely neutral. Every now and then, I will have to write something down ahead of time (eg: directions, or the WOD), but that is it.

The past few days have been different, however. The wife and kiddo are away for a few days and I miss them like crazy. I can call them and hear their voice, but it would mean so much to me if I could see them.

When someone sees my dumbphone, the same back-and-forth tends to occur: "how do you X?" "How do you Y?" It surprises them (and amuses me) to come back with quick answers to all of them.

But, today, I don't have the answer. How do you call your wife and son by impulse when you miss them like crazy in the middle of the day?

Thoughts? Comments? Shoot me an email!